Zanzibar Sustained Projects (waqf)

Zanzibar Sustained Projects (waqf) ZAKATACCEPTED

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We need to collect: Ends:


Assalam alaykum Warahmatoullah Wa Barakatuh 

We have been working tirelessly on this project in Zanzibar and Alhamdulillah this is the progress we've made. We havepurchased 2 plots of lands and here are our plans. 

Plot 1 - Will be used to build a masjid, a boarding school and an orphanage. 

Plot 2 - Will be used to sustain the ongoing costs of all 3 projects above through farming. 

In order to start these sustained projects we are appealing to you to help us raise £15000 to buy a tractor which will be used straight away in plot 2 to kick start the farming project. The same tractor in the UK currently costs £82,000. We have a limited time sensitive offer to purchase this tractor at a fraction of the cost of 15,000!! 

So please share this lifetime oppotunity with your loved ones and help us reach our target and get these projects go live InshaAllah. 

Abu Mas'ud reported. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upom him said. " Whoever guides someone to goodness will have a reward like one who did it." 

source. Sahih Muslim 1893

We take Sadaqah, Zakah or Lillah. Please specify when donating 

May Allah bless you all. 


Organiser Details

Name: Saleh Juma

Email : Send Email

Description : Saleh Juma

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