Yemen Solar Water Well

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Yemen is facing a severe water crisis with some estimates suggesting the capital, Sanaa, could run dry in 10 years. 19.3 million Yemenis do not have access to clean water and sanitation. Of these, 50 percent have been directly cut off from this basic necessity of life by the conflict.
Water is referred to many times in the Holy Qur’an and it is narrated that one of the greatest acts of charity in Islam is to give water to the thirsty. Every single drop of water that benefits someone else will be sadaqah jariyah for us.
Please provide a solar water well for the people of Yemen by donating today.
Organiser Details
Name: One Nation
Charity Registered No : 1156200
Contact person : Muhammad Ebrahim
Email : Send Email
Contact No : 0300 500 1000
Description : One Nation is a UK-based relief and development charity which has continued to support local and international relief projects to help improve lives.
“Whoever saved a life, it would be as if they saved the life of all mankind.” (Qur’an 5:32)
Registered Charity Number: 1156200. We are also registered with Fundraising Regulator.