Heat and Eat for vulnerable families

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With prices piling high and the cost of living crisis hitting hard, many families who were struggling are now feeling they are unable to cope with basic living expenses. The five families we are consistently supporting are desperately anxious trying to keep their homes warm and children fed. We aim to raise £2500 by the beginning of December to help them cope with the increased energy and food costs along with other basic needs. They are all sadaqah and zakat eligible and are struggling terribly to cope. While we are using various food banks and other donations of clothes to support them, some money raised to help basic personal needs to be met such as ensuring homes are warm are vital for their children. Many have health and disability needs including respiratory issues which will worsen if they are unable to heat and eat. Something we all take for granted.
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Blossom Sisters present "Achieving Sakeena"
Target: £5,000.00
By Sahida Mughal
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2 years ago
2 years ago
Organiser Details
Name: Henna Rai
Email : Send Email
Description : Help us to protect the vulnerable women and children who desperately need your help.
Our women have escaped domestic and honour based violence included sexual exploitation they are now rebuilding their lives from scratch in independent homes with their children.
Through our Fundraising we help Muslim women survivors of complex domestic violence with no recourse to public funds, vulnerable families outside of the DV refuge system with no support to overcome their difficulties.