Seven tips to achieve your full potential

In your fast-paced busy life, it is easy to forget about yourself. However, take a breather when you need it. Here are seven tips to keep you working to your fullest potential.
1. Water. Small sips throughout the day will keep your insides working. When your insides are energised, your outside reflects it.
2. Regular breaks. If you are working on something that involves brain power, it is easy to lose focus if you keep staring at the same thing for over an hour. Some simple desk exercises or a bout of fresh air will wake you up.
3. Healthy food. Raw food means raw energy. Nuts, dates, low fat yoghurt and a quick smoothie will work wonders for your attention span and energy levels. Processed foods with high sugar and carbs will slow you down as it takes longer for your body to break these down internally.
4. Emotional overload? You will get stressed or upset at some point. Do a quick breathing exercise. Walk outside. Close your eyes. Think about your motivation. Everyone works for a reason. What’s yours? Money, a holiday, your dream home or car, or your children and family. Find your muse or even vice depending on your perception and hold onto that image. Breath in through your nose, and out through your mouth. Imagine that your hard work is paying off in the way that you want it. You have your new shiny car or you’ve booked your holiday. Smile. Clench your fist. Imagine that when you unclench, it’s your balloon of distress that you are releasing. Watch your balloon float away and then disperse. Breath, let the incident go, and carry on.
5. Smile. Even when your day is going potty, smile. It will make the world of difference.
6. Have a winner’s posture. Straight shoulders, head high, arms raised high and straight as if you’ve just won a race. Try saying, ‘I don’t feel like working,’ when you have that posture. It doesn’t sound convincing does it? Do it all the time. Your outlook will change.
7. Take a break every few months to have some alone time. Sing, dance, join a club, run, find a hobby, get a massage, try a new kind of health gimmick. Be adventurous and shake up your day and life. Change is invigorating and everyone needs that feeling of being woken up and refreshed.
Whatever you need to keep you working in that hungry energetic way, commit to it. Don’t be afraid to wake up and feel blessed. At the end of the day, you will have lost nothing but the will to fail and you will have gained success. Keep your cup full and tip out the bits you don’t need. Learn to deflect negativity and become resilient to whatever your working day may throw at you.
Contributed by: Zainab Patel.
Zainab works at Apex Cargo and is also a Freelance Copywriter. You can contact Zainab by Email or via Facebook